
02 February 2012

Nak sihat ? Jom makan sayur dan buah!!!

Semenjak dua menjak 2 belah kaki dah melangkah ke gim, i try to cut off my portion of food plus less carbo err...means less rice.  Boleh kah??  Nak jadikan cerita, tak jauh dari gim tu ada satu fruit booth yang sangat attractive (pada aku la), MBG - pernah dengar tak?  This fruit booth comes with juice counter where you can order various types of smoothies.  Elok sangat le kan, lepas workout turun satu floor dah jumpa fruit booth.  Nak sihat punya pasal!!

pix credit to MBG

Ok nasihat untuk diri sendiri dan untuk kawan-kawan, rajin-rajin le makan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran ye!  Below are tips that i extracted from Dr. Pullen's website on eating fruits and veggie.

15 ways to more fruits and veggie :

  1. Have one cup of fruit (fresh or frozen) for breakfast everyday.
  2. Take one cup of fruit/ one piece of fruit with you in the car.
  3. Eat at least one cup of vegetables at lunch.
  4. Eat at least one cup of vegetables at dinner.
  5. Make one vegetarian recipe each week.
  6. Take the time once a week to shop, clean, separate and/ cut up into bite size pieces and bag (in a large baggie) a variety of your favourite vegetables.
  7. Keep freshly prepared vegetables on hand for snacking at home, at work or in the car and for quick side dishes, to throw in pasta, casseroles or soup during the week.
  8. Start shopping in the produce section of the grocery store and build your meal ideas from what you find.
  9. As a goal, aim for at least 1/3 of your grocery cart to be from the produce section.
  10. Keep fresh or dried fruit on hand for grab and go snacks.  Store these in your desk drawer, passenger seat, computer bag, briefcase etc.
  11. Take fresh fruit to work with you everyday for a snack.  
  12. The next time you visit a fast food restaurant, order a side salad or fruit cup instead of fries or chips.
  13. Make a delicious fruit parfait as dessert once a week.
  14. Make a vegetable stir fry at least once every week.  Get creative with (modest portion) lean meat choices and always add a large variety fresh or frozen veggies.
  15. When eating, fill at least 1/2 of your plate with fruits and vegetables. ALWAYS. EVERYDAY.
Good luck!!

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